#5 Most Trending Technologies in 2018-19

#5 Most Trending Technologies in 2018-19

Knowing about trending technologies is one of the learning part of human beings in todays' life cause this world is now controlled with tech devices. So knowing about the trending technologies is one of the best technologies learning to use further life. Here is given below are the best technologist to learn and to know in the year of 2018-19.

➤  5 Most Trending Technologies in 2018-19:

Cloud Computing

Image result for cloud computing
Cloud computing is shared with shared computer system resources and pool of high-level services, which can be rapidly provisioned on the Internet with minimal management effort. Cloud computing depends on the sharing of resources to achieve consistency of scale and economies of scale similar to public utility.

Third-party cloud organizations are able to focus on their core businesses, rather than spending resources on computer infrastructure and maintenance. Advocates noted that cloud computing allows companies to avoid or reduce up-front IT infrastructure costs. Supporters also claim that cloud computing allows enterprises to run better with their applications better and with less maintenance, and it will help IT teams to meet the fluctuations and unexpected demands. Enables to adjust more rapidly. Cloud providers typically use the "pay-as-you-go" model, which can lead to unexpected operating expenditures if administrators are not familiar with the cloud-pricing model.

High-capacity networks, low-cost computers and storage devices, as well as hardware virtualization, service-oriented architecture and wide availability of autonomous and utility computing have encouraged the growth of cloud computing.

Angular and React
This two are the JavaScript framework, The difference between these two are given below:

Reactjs Summary
Angularjs Summary

React Native vs Angular Comparison

Mastering anglers is not easy. I'm sure if you are a developer then you will get my point.The angular comes with a very complex lifecycle and for you to master it, you have to read the code, face un-intuitive links and compilations.
                 On the other hand, the reaction comes with a lesser learning curve, even though developers take time to use one-way flow. Apart from this, there are very few life cycle methods in the library and the fact is that you have rarely read the code which takes it home for the reactant.

Internet of Things: 
Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of devices, vehicles, and home appliances, which have electronics, software, actuators and connectivity, which allow these things to connect, interact, and exchange data.
IoT involves expanding Internet connectivity beyond traditional devices, such as desktops, laptops, smartphones and tablets, traditionally dumb or non-Internet-enabled physical devices and to any extent of everyday items. Embedded with technology, these devices can communicate and communicate on the Internet, and they can be remotely monitored and controlled.

Robotic Process Automation:

Robot Robot Process Automation (or RPA) software is an emerging form of business process automation technology based on the concept of robots or artificial intelligence (AI) workers. In the traditional workflow automation tools, a software developer creates a list of tasks to automate a task and interface in the back-end system using the internal application programming interface (API) or dedicated scripting language. On the contrary, the RPA system sees the user performing the task in the application's graphical user interface (GUI), and then performs those tasks repeatedly in the GUI. This can reduce the barrier to the use of automation in those products which otherwise might not be able to facilitate the API for this purpose. The RPA tools have strong technical equivalents for graphical user interface testing tools. 
These devices also automate interaction with GUI, and often repeat a set of user-generated performance tasks. RPA tools differ from those systems, which include features that allow data to be received between multiple applications and for example, receiving emails containing invoices, extracting data, and then typing in a bookkeeping method.

PUBG Gaming:
PlayerUnogn's Battleground (PUBG) is an online multiplayer battle Royal game developed and published by PUBG Corporation, a subsidiary of South Korean video game company Blhuol. This game is based on previous modes, which was created by Brendan "PlayerUndont" Green for other games using the film Battle Royale for inspiration, and expanded into a standalone game under Green's creative direction. In the game, more than one hundred players on an island parachute and scavenge for weapons and equipment to kill others while avoiding killing themselves. Available safe area of ​​the game map decreases in size with time, which guides the living players in tight areas so that they can be forced to encounter. The final player or team wins the round.

This game was first released for Microsoft Windows through Steam's Early Access Beta Program in March 2017, with a full release on December 20, 2017. In the same month, the game for Xbox Xbox by Microsoft Studios was released through its Xbox game preview program, and was officially released in September 2018. In the same year, a port for PlayStation 4 was released, with two different mobile versions for Android and iOS. This game is the best-selling game with more than fifty million sold on all platforms until June 2018. In addition, the Windows version keeps the number of concurrent players in the peak of more than three million on Steam, which is an all time high on the platform.

These are the top #5 Most Trending Technologies in 2018-19.


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