Role of students in conservation of Biodiversity

(#Special thanks to Sourav Saha)


The word biodiversity comes from the 'biological diversity'. Biodiversity is a term given for the diversity of all forms of life More on Earth, including plants, animals and micro-organisms. Their mutual relation ('bio' means the meaning of life and diversity Variety). Biodiversity includes a variety of ecosystems, species and genes, and ecological processes that support the lips. To maintain biodiversity, students or young generations have a major role because they are the main users of biodiversity.
There are three levels of biodiversity, namely:-
(A) Variety of species: it refers to variety of types
Plants, animals, and micro-organisms.
(B) Genetic diversity: This refers to the diversity of genes.
A healthy plant and animal species of plants or animals.
The population has a genetic diversity, that is, they are not all
With a lower number of parents. Genetic diversity
Serves as a pathway for the population to adapt to change
atmosphere. Example of genetic variation in dogs
The difference in skin color, ear, eye and body shape.

(C) Ecosystem diversity: It refers to the diversity of natural
Systems that provide home or residence and services.
All organisms. Examples of the diversity of ecosystems is forests,
Mountains, rivers, lakes, wetlands, oceans and deserts.
Importance of Biodiversity:- 

Biodiversity is key to supporting all life forms on Earth.
Biodiversity is the foundation of healthy working ecosystems
On which all life depends. Biodiversity provides the following
Ecological services: soil construction; Nutrients, nitrogen, oxygen
And carbon cycling; Energy production; Floods and erosion
Control clean Air; Clean water; Breaking pollutants; worm
And disease control; Food and medicines.
Bio-diversity also provides raw materials for construction and
Industrial production as well as opportunities for recreation,
Tourism, scientific research and education, and source
Cultural identity.
Biodiversity is the source of economic nutrition and ecology safeguard. However, human activities such as fishing, agriculture, threat to tourism and mining biodiversity endowment especially When done in a non-sustainable manner. In this regard Is to provide relevant knowledge and skills to the population. Is necessary to ensure effective biodiversity conservation and therefore, the need for EBD (Education for sustainable development) becomes relevant and important.
Role of Students:-
Students should be aware of environmental management, nurture lifelong skills to manage the environment sustainably and, eventually incorporate environmental issues as part of their life and worldview. Students have an important constituency in the preservation of biodiversity and have a big impact on it. They are energetic, technology savvy, constantly evolving, oriented to solve the problem and often propagate active consumerism. His firm grasp on durability is essential for the future, which advocates for improving the footprints and quality of life in the areas. Therefore, the students should be informed and educated about the dependence of the biodiversity to survive. If we lose students in a lifestyle defined by consumption and surrogate demand behavior that consumes future resources, our next generation will struggle in the depleted world of resources and a hopeless lifestyle in a disgraceful environment. So the intricacies of the connection between biodiversity (life on Earth) with the impact of the direct and indirect drivers of human wellbeing and change at local, regional and global levels should be understood especially by youths, students who place their future on Earth.
One should eliminate and control the weed starting on a property. Weeds for wildlife keep vehicles on main roads to minimize the spread of unrest. Native plants disquiet, and leave the landscape using native trees and vegetation. Keep wetlands by conserving water and reducing irrigation. Avoid draining water bodies on a property. Maintain old standing dead trees and mature forest stands. The large dead trees provide nest cavities to many species and will replace the old development with ripe forest time.

We should encourage students to start small, plantation of trees, support our local NGOs to participate in their activities, make more people aware of biodiversity and most importantly we should raise our voice for biodiversity.


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